The Flicker Residences in Voorhees, NJ is a collection of group homes for aging people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. More Information about the Residence and its programs can be found at https://www.bancroft.org/adult-services/flicker-residences/
The Walkway features six King Post Trusses fabricated from planed and chamfered Douglas fir.
The Walkway is used as an outdoor eating and recreation area and gives the residents a place to enjoy the outdoors while being protected from the sun and the elements. Outdoor gathering spaces in the residence foster a sense of community and make the facility feel more like home.

The Flicker Walkway is used as an outdoor dining and recreation area for the residents at the facility.

Under the walkway, there are picnic tables where residents and staff can enjoy the outdoors without being exposed to the elements.

The outdoor walkway area features a landscaped lawn, trees, flowers, park benches, and picnic tables.