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Solar Power at Vermont Timber Works

By Caitlin on January 11, 2018

Did you know that since 2015 our shop has been powered completely by solar energy?

VTW’s Solar Array

In October 2014, we began the process of becoming a solar-powered timber frame shop by contacting Tim Biebel at Prudent Living, a Net-Zero Design and Building Company in Windsor Vermont. We wanted to be up and running with solar power by 2015, so in a short amount of time we had secured our permits, and the team at Prudent Living had installed a solar array in a field behind our shop. The array has four rows of solar panels manufactured by Canadian Solar, with forty-eight 310 watt panels in each row.  The total capacity is 59kw/hour.


We have two 28kw inverters that convert DC power from the solar panels to AC power that is sent to the grid. A smart meter constantly records the power we are sending to the grid. Real-time reports are sent to an online monitoring system. The array is “Net-Metered,” so all the power it produces goes into the power grid and we draw electricity from the grid as we need it. When we overproduce energy for the year, the extra green energy is donated to charities in the form of credits from Green Mountain Power.

Inverters and Metering Station

In a typical year, we offset 50 tons of CO2 emissions or the equivalent of 7,400 gallons of gasoline.

A Timber Frame home can be a green way to build, and when you buy a timber frame from Vermont Timber Works, you’re further lowering the environmental impact of building your home by building with a solar powered company.

Have questions about our Solar Powered Workshop or Eco-friendly Timber Framing? Give us a call at our Workshop or submit a question on our Ask the Experts Page!

About the Author


Caitlin is a writer and a full-time Marketing Assistant. She has worked at Vermont Timber Works since 2017.

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Vermont Timber Works