Posts categorized as Beautiful Vermont

Springtime at Vermont Timber Works
It might not feel like it’s exactly springtime here in Vermont, but whether you notice it or not, the days are getting brighter and a little warmer, the snow is melting and the ground is starting to thaw and everything is starting to get muddy. There’s a nice, earthy smell […]

Timber Framing With A Vermont Business
Vermont Timber Works, as the name implies, is a Vermont based business. It was founded in Vermont in 1987 and has operated from Vermont for all of the 30 years since its beginning. Our office and shop are located in Springfield, VT and it is from this location that we […]

Looking Back at a Few of Our Favorite Local Projects
While Vermont Timber Works enjoys being able to build Timber Frames all over the country (and sometimes internationally!), there’s something satisfying about building in your home state, for people who are your neighbors. Vermont is one of those unique places that just has an atmosphere about it. There is a […]

The Solar Field
Vermont Timber Works has taken the leap. We went solar! We filed project permits on October 17th and by December 30th we were powered on by the sun. The goal was to become a functioning solar powered timber frame factory by the end of 2014. It happened, thanks to a […]

Vermont Foliage Pictures
Recently I found an incredible resource for “Vermont” photos and since foliage is arriving (quickly), I had to share them. Let’s celebrate our beautiful Autumn Season! All of these photos and many more can be found on the Very Vermont Community Page. Something about the elevation, the horses and the blue sky […]

Summertime Fun & Timber Frames in Vermont
Summertime in Vermont is pretty amazing! It’s not too hot (usually). There are beautiful mountains for hiking and lakes for swimming. It’s a wonderful place to visit. Vermonters appreciate the summer season and wish it was longer. Oh wait, that’s just me — not all Vermonters wish summertime lasted longer…but […]