The Difference Between Building a Timber Framed Home and a Conventionally Framed Home
Most people who are interested in building a custom home are already somewhat well-versed in the building process and what it entails. However, when using a timber frame instead of a stick frame for your custom home, the building process can look a little different. People often ask us how […]

How Much Does A Timber Frame Cost?
People ask us this question more than any other, and we thought it’d be helpful to address the question of pricing here. Because the price of a timber frame is less of a question and more of a conversation. When it comes to the cost of a timber frame, […]

Commonly Asked Questions At Vermont Timber Works
Today I thought it might be helpful to answer some of the more common questions we get at Vermont Timber Works. Some of these questions we’ve answered before in other blog posts and elsewhere on the website, but I thought it might be good to put all these answers together […]

Springtime at Vermont Timber Works
It might not feel like it’s exactly springtime here in Vermont, but whether you notice it or not, the days are getting brighter and a little warmer, the snow is melting and the ground is starting to thaw and everything is starting to get muddy. There’s a nice, earthy smell […]

Timber Framing With A Vermont Business
Vermont Timber Works, as the name implies, is a Vermont based business. It was founded in Vermont in 1987 and has operated from Vermont for all of the 30 years since its beginning. Our office and shop are located in Springfield, VT and it is from this location that we […]

Looking Back at a Few of Our Favorite Local Projects
While Vermont Timber Works enjoys being able to build Timber Frames all over the country (and sometimes internationally!), there’s something satisfying about building in your home state, for people who are your neighbors. Vermont is one of those unique places that just has an atmosphere about it. There is a […]

Weathered Beams
Today we’ll take a more in-depth look at weathered beams, the process, the look, and some examples. Weathering is an option you can choose for your timber that gives it an aged, antique look. The weathered beams generally look much older than they actually are and they give a space […]

What Wood Species Should I Build With?
When you start to plan your Timber Frame project, one of the biggest questions you’ll have to answer is what species of wood you want to use for your frame. The wood species you choose will affect the price of your frame, the dimensions of the wood members, and other […]

Timber Checking
Wood is a natural material prone to change and variation. Like people, no two trees are exactly the same, and no piece of wood from two individual trees will ever look perfectly identical. The nice thing about wood is that pieces of timber will always complement each other even if […]

Solar Power at Vermont Timber Works
Did you know that since 2015 our shop has been powered completely by solar energy? In October 2014, we began the process of becoming a solar-powered timber frame shop by contacting Tim Biebel at Prudent Living, a Net-Zero Design and Building Company in Windsor Vermont. We wanted to be up […]